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12:29 a.m. - 2006-06-11
first entry- life story
o.k. I did it.with my daughter peacafully sleeping in the next room, i make my first journal enty. My soon to-be ex-wife suggested this. she seems to think I am a good writer or something. Good, maybe. Technically acceptable, I suppose. But interesting? inspiring? even midly entertaining? I don't know. Maybe i can receive some feedback from you good, kind readers.I have always wanted to become a writer, since I was very young.
Well, if I'm going to write some thing that resembles a story I think I will start with my own life story, and begin about seven years ago, in nineteen ninty-nine, the last year of the twentieth century.
In the year of ninty-nine, I lived in a 100+ unit apartment complex in Portland, Oregon. I resided with two cats, Gordo and Sammee, and my girlfriend Kristina. I had been working at a popular pizza place called Izzy's as a kicthen lead, a kind of head cook. It was a good life, even though we didn't have much money. Kristina was a one- hour photo employee. We had a lot of time to spend together, and did. Exploring Portland, hiking the mountains surrounding,drinking lots of beer [Kris was a lush], going to shows. It looked great on the surface of things but a restless turbulace had shown itself in our personal life. We were not having as much fun anymore. We had always had amazing, almost surreal sex. Sometimes three or four times a day, her libido was so... healthy. Soon, the active sex life would begin to wane, as well.


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